Norwegian version of this page

Speakers and lectures

The executive committee gladly assists organizations or associations that want to learn more about how the university works, how to run an association efficiently or how to deal with various other aspects of organizing student activiites. 

Academic lectures:

What is the Student Parliament?

Educational Quality: How to improve educational quality in your program?

Contact the executive committee for these lectures.



Board Training for student representatives on a board, council or committee at the University.

This is one of the hardest roles as a student, most directors have more experience than you.
It is useful to have a training on how to be heard as a student on a board, council or committee at the University.
We have a tailored training for this. Please contact Vebjørn or Kristine for this tutorial.

Published Feb. 11, 2015 2:51 PM - Last modified Dec. 29, 2016 12:39 PM
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